How To Spend Our Lives

What to focus on with the precious time we have before we die

Michael Head
13 min readAug 17, 2020

We are all going to die. As of right now, that is a fact. No one gets to escape death and it’s something no one can change…so what’s the point of life? What should we spend our approximately 78.5 years (if we are lucky) on this planet doing before we kick the bucket? We can’t take any amount of money with us, and while collecting a bunch of really cool stuff while we’re alive is pretty fun, we can’t take that stuff with us either. So what’s the point?

Is it to leave a bunch of money and cool stuff for our kids or loved ones? Or to leave a lasting legacy?

Maybe it’s to leave the Earth a little better off than when we showed up. Or maybe it’s just to have one heck of a good time (YOLO).

Truth is, no one really has a good answer so far as I can tell, and there probably isn’t one singular answer.

The purpose of life has been a hotly debated topic for millennia and while I certainly don’t claim to have all the answers, a recent conversation gave me a lot of clarity. I don’t know about the rest of you, but the coronavirus pandemic has me thinking a lot about life and what I want to be doing with mine. I have had numerous conversations over the past few months about this potentially all-consuming question and…



Michael Head

Student. Teacher. Entrepreneur. Thinker. Doer. Firefighter. Gymnast. Health Nerd. Life Nerd. In Medicine.